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nspluginwrapper Use Netscape compatible plugins from other platforms
nvu Web Authoring System
ocsigen Web programming framework for OCaml
opera Small, fast and customizable WWW client
opera-acroread Acrobat Reader 4 plugin for opera
opera-acroread5 Acrobat Reader 5 plugin for opera
opera-acroread7 Acrobat Reader 7 plugin for opera
opera-plugins Plugins for the Opera browser
p5-Apache-ASP Perl5/Apache module of Perl-coded Active Server Pages
p5-Apache-AuthCookie Perl5 module for Authentication and Authorization via cookies
p5-Apache-AuthCookieDBI Perl5 module AuthCookie backed by a DBI database
p5-Apache-DBILogConfig Database-independent Apache database logger
p5-Apache-DBILogger Database-independent httpd database logging module
p5-Apache-Filter Perl5 module to alter the output of previous Apache handlers
p5-Apache-Gallery Perl5/Apache module for handling image directories
p5-Apache-Reload Perl5 module to reload changed modules
p5-Apache-Session Perl5 module to provide persistent storage
p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper Perl5 module doing a wrapper around Apache::Session
p5-Apache-SSI Perl5 module to implement Server Side Includes
p5-Apache-Test Wrapper for to test an Apache server
p5-Apache2-AuthCookie Perl5 module for Authentication and Authorization via cookies
p5-Apache2-AuthCookieDBI Perl5 module AuthCookie backed by a DBI database
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
p5-CGI Perl5 module for writing forms-based CGI programs
p5-CGI_Lite Simple perl5 module for writing forms-based CGI programs
p5-CGI-Ajax Call perl asynchronously from javascript
p5-CGI-Application Perl5 module to create sophisticated, reusable web-based applications
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH Easy DBI access from CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM Help validate CGI::Application run modes using Data::FormValidator
p5-CGI-FastTemplate Perl5 extension for managing templates
p5-CGI-FormBuilder Perl5 module for building HTML forms
p5-CGI-Kwiki Quickie Wiki that's not too Tricky
p5-CGI-Minimal Perl5 module for simple CGI scripts
p5-CGI-ProgressBar sub-class with a progress bar object
p5-CGI-Session Perl5 module providing session management across HTTP requests
p5-CGI-Simple Simple totally OO CGI interface that is compliant
p5-CSS Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets
p5-CSS-Squish Compact many CSS files into one big file
p5-FCGI Perl5 library for FastCGI, a fast startup alternative to CGI
p5-FCGI-ProcManager Functions for managing FastCGI applications
p5-HTML-Clean Perl5 module that cleans up HTML code for web browsers
p5-HTML-Element-Extended Perl5 modules for managing HTML::Element based objects
p5-HTML-FillInForm Perl5 module that populates HTML Forms with CGI data
p5-HTML-FixEntities Perl5 module to convert latin1 to equivalent HTML
p5-HTML-Format Perl5 modules for converting HTML to other text formats
p5-HTML-LinkExtractor Extract links from an HTML document
p5-HTML-Mason Perl-based web site development and delivery system
p5-HTML-Parser Perl5 module to parse HTML text documents
p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter Perl5 module for pretty-printing HTML
p5-HTML-Prototype Generate HTML and Javascript for the Prototype library
p5-HTML-Prototype-Useful Some useful additions for the Prototype library
p5-HTML-Scrubber Extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
p5-HTML-SimpleParse Perl5 module implementing a bare-bones HTML parser
p5-HTML-StickyQuery Add sticky QUERY_STRING to a tag href attributes
p5-HTML-Stream Perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
p5-HTML-Strip Perl5 module for strip HTML tag
p5-HTML-StripScripts Perl5 module to strip scripting constructs out of HTML
p5-HTML-StripScripts-Parser Perl5 module XSS filter using HTML::Parser
p5-HTML-Table Perl5 module to simplify creating HTML tables
p5-HTML-TableExtract Perl5 module to simplify extracting HTML tables
p5-HTML-Tagset Perl5 module of data tables useful in parsing HTML
p5-HTML-Template Perl5 module to create HTML templates with simple tags
p5-HTML-Tiny Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation in Perl
p5-HTML-Tree Perl5 modules for manipulating HTML syntax trees
p5-HTML-WikiConverter Convert HTML to wiki markup
p5-HTMLObject Perl5 module to quickly and easily create Dynamic HTML pages
p5-HTTP-Async Lightweight HTTP client implementation
p5-HTTP-Body HTTP Body Parser
p5-HTTP-Cache-Transparent Cache the result of http get-requests persistently
p5-HTTP-DAV HTTP::DAV interface and 'dave'
p5-HTTP-GHTTP Perl interface to the gnome ghttp library
p5-HTTP-Lite Lightweight HTTP client implementation
p5-HTTP-Proxy Perl5 module providing a simple HTTP proxy daemon
p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI Setup a CGI enviroment from a HTTP::Request
p5-HTTP-Request-Form Construct HTTP::Request objects for form processing
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple Perl5 module providing a simple standalone HTTP daemon
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Kwiki standalone HTTP server for Kwiki
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason Perl5 module providing a simple mason server
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static Serve static files with HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTPD-User-Manage Perl script/modules for managing web access control
p5-I18N-AcceptLanguage Matches language preference to available languages
p5-Jemplate Javascript Templating with Template Toolkit
p5-JSON (V) Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
p5-JSON-Any (V) Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes
p5-Kwiki Extensible, modular, Perl-based Wiki
p5-Kwiki-Archive-Cvs Kwiki page archive using CVS
p5-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs Kwiki page archive using RCS
p5-Kwiki-BreadCrumbs Kwiki breadcrumbs plugin
p5-Kwiki-Edit-RequireUserName Kwiki plugin to require a user name to edit
p5-Kwiki-Favorites Kwiki plugin to bookmark favorite pages
p5-Kwiki-HtmlBlocks Kwiki plugin to display blocks of HTML markup
p5-Kwiki-Icons-Gnome Kwiki GNOME icons plugin
p5-Kwiki-ModPerl Kwiki integration with ModPerl
p5-Kwiki-NewPage Kwiki plugin to create a new Wiki page
p5-Kwiki-Notify-Mail Kwiki email notification plugin
p5-Kwiki-PagePrivacy Kwiki page-level privacy plugin
p5-Kwiki-ParagraphBlocks Kwiki plugin to display paragraphs with embedded whitespace
p5-Kwiki-PreformattedBlocks Kwiki plugin to display preformatted text
p5-Kwiki-RecentChanges Kwiki plugin to display recent changes